italento | Training and development
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Training and development

‘Teaching that impacts is not head to head, but heart  to heart’

Howard G. Hendricks

Our client companies as well as our client students highlight our ability to create customized training schemes, and our impartation model just as their evaluations show. One of our best competitive tools are learning organizations.

Each company needs people ready to face new challenges ahead. Our challenge: supreme transfer to the post in short time. Defining the company’s internal training model is essential for their growing and consolidation. The learning organizations are our model.

‘I have learned much from my teachers, more from my colleages, and the most from my students’

Hindu proverb


We elaborate and design a training plan in line with business strategy.
We design and start up corporate universities.
Many companies prefer to outsource us completely the intern development because of the efficacy and savings guaranties that this service offers.
We introduce partial or complete training actions according to the client’s needs.
We are internal education and people from the HR division empowerment experts.
Hot-spot innovation specialists.
Our extensive catalog on training: attentive and quality service, leadership, negotiation, mindfulness, teamwork, troubleshooting, communication, as well as key workplace skills for intermediate, management and technic positions.

Have an idea? We’re here to help you manage your work